La Bitta complies with the A.I.C. project: we have gluten-free cuisine dishes with no surcharge.
Gluten-free pizzas with separate production area and separate oven.
“Schar” dougn: Euro 1,50 surcharge.
Lactose free:
- Lactose-free mozzarella (Euro 1,50 surcharge)
- Vegetal cheese substitute suitable for lactose intolerance and vegans (Euro 1,50 surcharge)
Our doughs:
- Traditional: wheat flour, water, sunflower seed oil, yeast, salt.
- Whole wheat: flour ground with lava stone. It’s a blend of wheat, water, sunflower seed oil, yeast, salt (Euro 1,50 surcharge).
- Multicereal: flour ground with lava stone. Type 1 soft wheat flour, integral rye, whole wheat durum, whole wheat monocot spelled, toasted red rice, toasted integral maize, water, sunflower seed oil, salt (Euro 1,50 surcharge).
- Yeast free: flour ground with lava stone. Type 1 soft wheat flour, a little percentage of rye, water, sunflower seed oil, salt (Euro 1,50 surcharge).
On the production counter we use rice and maize flour.
In case of allergies and intolerances please warn our staff.